Long time no see! I felt it is time to now move.
Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed - are you constantly busy however it feels like your tyres are just spinning and you can't really tell anyone what you have actually been doing or achieved in the last year? Do you feel it is time to move?
Don't worry, you're not alone! I seem to have been MIA for a while. Since successfully launching my book last year it seems it sent me into a bit of panic so that I created lots of distractions keeping me busy and off my real road.
I have been really confused about my direction and which way to turn and kept telling myself I didn't have time to focus on me as there was too much to do for everyone else. I felt overwhelmed by all the things I do love and how to fit the jigsaw together. I have to admit I have also been hugging the red wine bottle a little too hard to calm my inner critic and feelings of failure! (alcohol increases dopamine which quietens those inner voices).
To get myself out of this rut I sought some help to pull me out and get me back on track.
It appears I was a bit afraid of being successful (amongst other things) and had some interesting beliefs around that! It has taken a few different approaches and solutions, always a bit of trial and error and lots of learnings along the way.
Having people to help guide me has been invaluable. I have now become so much clearer in my direction. I have been working on my visions and goals - what I want to achieve in life for myself and my family and it feels amazing. Now I feel ready to give others the same gift.
Let me help empower you with solutions
As I have so many tools in my toolbox and love promoting what has worked for me I have decided on www.empowermentconnections.au as being my main idea moving forward. I will also be incorporating my healing work with this as this helps me identify what it is a client is needing to empower them.
I want to help connect others to ways and means that can help solve what is blocking them from moving forward in life - to connect people to solutions for health, wealth, happiness and abundance in all areas. I never want to be the person to tell my kids I was too afraid or lazy to try something new.
This is actually not a new concept for me - incorporating all I have learnt and sharing this with others. I had thought of this many years ago yet my beliefs and experiences held me back then also. Now I am ready to bust through that glass ceiling. It is actually what I have been working towards my whole life but just didn't know it!
I want to assist others (in whatever way is best for them) to navigate through the chaos and help you find our way out and forward in life.
To help you let go of how we react to these "overwhelming responsibilities" and respond instead so we can live the life we love!
I would absolutely love to assist you to find solutions to problem areas in your life. Each of us are distinct. No-one is exactly like anyone else and we all respond differently to ideas and solutions. Let's find the right one for you.
Please reach out if you would like to explore what it is you need to move you forward.
With love
Tracey (tracey@ultimatehealing.au)