One on one healing alchemy session for 1 hour
Come to my clinic in a beautiful, calm, serene environment on the Sunshine Coast and receive a 1 hour healing alchemy session.
I am an alternative alchemy therapist utilising my own unique style and gifts, incorporating kinesiology, intuition, Forensic Healing, Golden Wings Healing, Reiki, Theta Healing and other energetic modalities to help bring you back to balance enabling you to live the life of love, joy, peace and abundance that you deserve.
Have you reached breaking point or maybe something is just a little off?
Would you like to learn to value, appreciate and believe in yourself so that you can love yourself and everyone around you unconditionally?
Everything you need to heal is within you now – let me be the channel to connect you to your source allowing you to access all your love and find your true self and your gifts and ultimately heal.
It all begins with energy. Your body is a flow of energy and vibrations which can sometimes become blocked from events in your life. Your body can guide me to reconnect any channels of energy that are stagnant or blocked and supply the appropriate remedy.
Pain of any sort is merely your indication that something needs to change – together we can find what or where that is and put you on the path to heal.
Your life is a reflection of your beliefs and often past experiences which imbed those often limiting beliefs. It doesn’t have to be this way!
Reclaim your power by reconnecting and giving yourself permission to follow your own inner guidance. Let go of the guilt, blame, shame and become whole again and ultimately heal.
I am passionate about helping people who have undergone self abuse or abuse from others, anxiety, depression, addictions – the things I myself have struggled with throughout my life. I am particularly great with distance healings for those who can’t be present.
I use gentle energy shifts to assess areas in your body that might be out of balance or blocked causing illness or upset and work with your physical and energy body so that it can in-act its own amazing healing capabilities.
Just as Einstein discovered, we are all energy in motion, we are all made up of a mass of vibrating atoms moving at the speed of light and emitting frequencies ie E=MC2.
To ultimately heal we need to raise those vibrations and frequencies and bring more love in.
I do this by asking your body what it would like at this point in time to heal or to achieve a goal which may be soul related, spiritual, emotional, energetic or physical.
I then utilise various techniques (including EFT (tapping), Colour Healing, Flower Essences, Essential Oils, Forensic Healing, Theta Healing, Golden Wings Advanced Healing, work from Mike Robinson, Jo Le-Rose and Katie Webber, Chakra, Aura or Meridian work, Reiki amongst many others – all techniques are dependant on what your body and its surrounding energy field indicates it needs.